33 Examples of Facebook Posts You Can Use To Become Omnipresent To Your Dream Customers

“I need to reach more people.”

“I want to share my love of yoga … fitness … healthy eating … massage … chiropractic care … wellness … healing … intuition … feeling good … with more people.”

“I started this business to help people ______.”

The businesses that I’ve worked with all have these same goals, and I’m sure you do too.

You want to help people.

And, I want to help you share your gift with more people — more of your dream customers.

But first, you need to be able to find and reach those people.

You need to become Omnipresent to your dream customers.

Omnipresent means that the people you want to help know who you are.

You are familiar to them — a familiar friend.

They see you, your business, and how you help people all the time.

They know what you’re offering, and when they’re ready to be helped by you, they know how much it costs and how to purchase.

How do you do all this?

I use a system called Omnipresence Content Marketing where you create consistent, valuable, straightforward content on your business Facebook page.

Then, you use the data that Facebook gives you on the posts to strategically boost the posts that do the best for $1 per day.

I’ve outlined this method in the post, “How To Get Your Wellness Business In Front of 100 Of Your Dream Customers For $1 Per Day.”

In that post, I recommend creating three kinds of content to post on your Facebook (and/or Instagram) page:

  1. Edu-tainment Content: Educational, yet entertaining content. Valuable info for your audience. Lists, pictures, links to blog posts are all great.
  2. Customer Stories Content: Successes your customers have had. Before and after pictures. Client testimonials.
  3. Offer Content: State what you’re selling and how much it costs.

But, after reading that post, you may be asking yourself, how do I really write this content?

What kind of posts should I be writing?

What’s wrong with what I already post — can’t I just use that?

I’ve spent the last several days scouring Facebook for really good examples of the three kinds of posts I’ve recommended, and, let me tell you, there aren’t a lot of health and wellness businesses doing this!

Here’s what I see instead:

  • Daily schedule (for a yoga/fitness studio)
  • Sharing memes/text images with motivational/inspirational quotes
  • Pictures of stuff going on in the studio/business
  • Upcoming events
  • Limited time deals/promotions

These are all good things to post on your Facebook page, but if your goal is to reach more of those dream customers, you need more than this.

You need evergreen content that you can write once and then share, boost, and promote all year round.

You can’t promote a Labor Day or Back To School sale all year long.

You can’t keep sharing an upcoming event all year.

You can’t boost today’s daily schedule all year round.

So, to really show you what I mean by the kind of content I’m talking about creating to help your business become Omnipresent with your dream customers, I’ve pulled 33 examples of Facebook posts that could do just this.

Table of contents for quick reference later:

  1. Edu-tainment Content Examples
  2. Customer Stories Content Examples
  3. Offer Content Examples

11 Edu-tainment Content Examples

Edu-tainment Content should be educational, valuable, informative, but also entertaining content that your dream customers will enjoy.

But, make it timeless.

Make it something that could be seen any time of year, so that it can continue to provide value to your dream customers again and again (through $1/day Facebook post boosting).

Good examples of this kind of content includes lists, tips, recipes, links to blog posts that have more of this kind of information, infographics, videos.

This content should NOT be selling something.

JUST provide the information to your customers, so they can start to learn more about you and how you can help them.

And now, 11 examples of real life Edu-tainment Content, pulled straight from Facebook.

1. DailyOm

This post includes good information, recommendations for their audience.

There’s a nice picture with a quote (these kind of images are easy to make on your own with programs like Canva).

And, they link to a full article about foot cleansing rituals that has more of the information.

To make this post even better, they could break up the text.

Give quick, simple tips that are easily digestible for Facebook users, then link to the full post for more info.

2. InstaPhysique

Asking a question is a great way to engage your audience on social media. This is a link to a blog post — great for Edu-tainment Content, and includes a picture that their audience can relate to.

To make this post even better, they could make it timeless.

Why not have the $10 credit for each friend someone brings in all year round? Then you could boost this post all the time to help you bring in more students.

3. Farm Fresh To You

I love the emojis they included in this post! This includes a great brief summary of the video, an interesting tidbit of knowledge about kiwi, and the video is awesome!

Lots of cool educational info, tips, fun facts, and a recipe. They’re not selling anything in this video, or in the link that the Learn More button goes to.

They’re just providing amazing info to their audience, teaching them more about the products they offer, and reminding them how awesome they are.

4. Caring Nature Wellness

Posting a video of what you do, showing how you can help people, is great to post as Edu-tainment Content, like Caring Nature Wellness does in this video post showing their sound healing session.

Give a description in the copy of what they’re watching. There is no sales message to be seen here — just information, education, and beautiful sounds.

5. Caring Nature Hypnosis

A checklist of actionable items is great to share (checklist emojis are a fun bonus!).

This is good advice that their dream clients would take to heart and use.

I also love the picture — it shows feeling, emotion. It shows how their dream clients will feel when they take this advice or use their services (without selling!).

6. Kids Cook Real Food

This is such a great post!

It’s long, and that’s okay! Facebook posts can be long.

But, look at all the amazing content that is shared in this post!

A short list of great tips for packing lunches. And then a long list of recipes this company has shared in this amazing video.

I love the combination of the really useful video with lots of great content on it’s own, but then also including so many resources that people can go back to, save, and really use!

This company’s dream customers will get SO much value out of this post, and you can see that from all of those reactions, comments, shares, and views this post has received!

7. Mighty Nest

What a great infographic!

If you have the resources to create graphics like this, you definitely should! (You can also try to do it yourself with apps like Canva.)

They could also have just listed these 7 reasons out in the copy of the post, if they didn’t have a way to create this graphic.

Take note that many of these posts that use a list have an odd number (5, 7, or 33 in this blog post you’re reading now!).

For some psychological/marketing mumbo-jumbo reason (that’s a technical term), odd numbers in headlines tend to do better for social media or blog posts, so try to use odd numbers in your lists.

This post also links to a blog article with more information about switching from plastic containers. Blog posts do well as Edu-tainment Content — make sure you’re providing value, and not just selling.

8. Flourish Fit and Well

This is a great list of valuable information for their dream clients, directly in the copy of the Facebook post.

Your posts don’t always have to link to a blog post or video. You can just include the copy directly in the Facebook post, and it’s okay if it’s long!

I also like the “Send Message” call to action button here, especially if they were using this as a $1 per day boosted post.

They’re not selling anything, but they’re still giving a call to action to send a message if they want to know more about what they have to offer.

9. Yoga Six

This is a good blog post piece of Edu-tainment content for this yoga studio.

It’s listing out their different types of classes, but not in a salesy way.

Rather, they’re saying, here’s our classes that would be good to bring a friend who’s new to yoga.

They could have also just listed out (and numbered!) the different class types in the Facebook post directly.

10. XO-Erica Hoese

This is another great list of tips that is timeless.

Erica could boost this post for $1 per day all year round, and continue to provide value and become Omnipresent to her dream customers.

If they see this post again and again, they’ll remember her, and know what she stands for and how she can help them.

I love the picture here too. And, this is another one with a link to a blog post, but I like that she summarized the post and actually put the 5 top tips here in the Facebook post copy.

11. Noom

This one is a very simple link to a blog post, but it’s timeless, could be shared again and again, and it’s eye-catching.

They could have included some of the content of the post, a few tips or highlights in the copy of the Facebook post, but this is also good as it is.

Edu-tainment Content Tips

  1. Provide value first. Show them what you have to offer.
  2. Avoid selling. Save that for the Offer Content.
  3. Use numbered lists (an odd number is good!).
  4. Link to blog posts, but provide a summary of the post, or some highlights in the Facebook post copy.
  5. Nice images or videos are always great!

Jump to another section:

  1. Edu-tainment Content Examples
  2. Customer Stories Content Examples
  3. Offer Content Examples

11 Customer Stories Content Examples

Customer Stories Content, like the name implies, should be all about your customers.

What successes have they had because of your business?

How has their life improved?

These include testimonials from clients — either written or video.

But, the content doesn’t actually have to be a quote from a client. You could write the story for them (with their approval, of course).

Be on the lookout for great customer stories all the time, and share these as much as you can.

Here are 11 examples of good Customer Stories Content Facebook posts.

1. Yoga on Gaia

This is a video compilation of testimonials from clients, along with music, and words from the testimonials overlaid on the video.

One of the quotes is, “For me, a home practice is the most sacred kind of practice.”

With these quotes, they’re giving proof that they can do what they say they can do — because they’ve done it for others.

They’re also offering a free trial of their service with this particular post (which is more combining the Customer Story and Offer Content into one post), which is okay.

But, you also want to have content that is only telling stories about customers using your service or product.

2. InstaPhysique

This is a great video testimonial from a client of this fitness studio.

The video is less than two minutes long, it shows someone using the machine that you use in this studio, and they wrote out a quote from the testimonial in the copy of the Facebook post.

The video is not highly edited, and looks like it was taken with a phone camera.

These don’t have to be difficult to do, or take a lot of special equipment.

3. Caring Nature Wellness

This is a great testimonial of the kind of work Caring Nature Wellness can do for its clients, and a good example of someone using Canva to make the quote more graphically appealing.

I also like that they added information in the copy of the post about how they provide these kind of results to their clients, and offered a free consultation (again, an offer, which could be a separate post, but is okay here too, especially because it’s free).

4. Plan To Eat

This is an entire blog post customer story that shows a customer saving money and losing weight from a meal planning app.

If you have a good customer story, a blog post may be in order so you have a chance to really share all the details.

I love that they included the customer’s picture in the post and wrote out a quote from the blog post in the copy of the Facebook post (rather than just: “New blog post up,” like many businesses do).

5. Infinity Yoga Mats

If a blogger or review site writes about your business or product, you should definitely be sharing that!

Outside reviews are great proof for your business.

This is an example of someone else writing a review on their blog about this yoga mat company and then they shared the review on their Facebook page.

But I love that they included a quote from the review, and didn’t just stop at the first line of “Wonderful review from Ariel Kiley,” which many businesses do.

Not everyone is going to click the link and read the post, so try to give them a piece of the full blog post on the Facebook post, so they still see the glowing review.

6. Pilates X Studio

This is a long testimonial, but I love what they did with it.

They included the full quote in the copy of the Facebook post, but then also highlighted a portion of the quote with an image (most likely created with a program like Canva).

This is eye-catching and gets the message across even if someone’s just scrolling through, but also provides great proof if they take the time to read the whole thing.

7. Ashley Maltz, MD, MPH/Neshama Health and Wellness

This is very simple, but still effective.

If you have great reviews, you should be sharing them.

Of course, an image to go along with this post would be even better, but if this is all you can do, then do it!

8. Pure Barre

I love this post! It’s not actually a direct testimonial or quote from the client — it’s a Happy Birthday message to her!

But, it’s still proof of what they offer.

A 91-year-old lady can do this, so you can too!

But, I love that it is also recognizing an amazing student for all her hard work.

I’m sure she’s a great advocate for Pure Barre!

9. XO-Erica Hoese

I love the graphical touch to this quote, and the call out in the copy as “Real Results” (emojis are always fun too!).

I also love that Erica is saying how proud she is of her clients — the recognition builds loyal client advocates!

If she wanted to be able to run this post as a $1 per day boost year round, she would need to remove the mention of the Academy opening again in August and just include a link to sign up for the waiting list, or to be notified when the next round launched.

10. Gymnasia

This is not a direct quote or testimonial from a client, but it is showing the success and the progress that clients of Gymnasia make while they’re there.

Pictures of clients making progress and doing things they haven’t done before because they come to your studio are great stories to share!

11. The 21-Day Sugar Detox

Before and after pictures in Customer Stories Content are perfect!

Show that success.

I love that this post includes before and after pictures, but also includes a graphical quote from the customer.

This post links to a blog post with a full customer story about her success.

Customer Stories Content Tips

  1. Show the success of your customers! Be on the lookout for new customer stories all the time.
  2. Ask for testimonials from clients regularly, and then share them!
  3. Pictures of the client or video testimonials from them directly are awesome.
  4. Use Canva to make your quotes look pretty if you don’t have a picture to include.
  5. If it’s a really good story, maybe write a longer blog post and then share that (with a quote too!) in the Facebook post.

Jump to another section:

  1. Edu-tainment Content Examples
  2. Customer Stories Content Examples
  3. Offer Content Examples

11 Offer Content Examples

The final type of content to use with the Omnipresence Content Marketing method is Offer Content.

Offer content is simple (although while looking for examples, I noticed many businesses are NOT doing it).

State your offer, including the price.

Tell them what you are selling, and how much it costs.

If you’re following the Omnipresence Content Marketing method, then these offers will be combined with other pieces of content (Edu-tainment and Customer Stories) that will be providing a lot of value to your customers and showing proof that you do what you say you do.

So, when they see an offer post, it won’t be surprising.

It won’t feel like you’re selling to them, or that the selling you are doing is out of place or spammy.

You’ve shown them what you can do, and now you’re telling them how they can work with you.

If they’re interested, they’ll know how to buy because of these Offer Content posts.

Here are 11 examples of Offer Content Facebook posts.

1. MoreYoga

I love how simple this post is.

20 days of yoga for £15.

These posts should be simple. Just state your offer, and tell them how to get it.

I love the “Get Offer” button too, which goes straight to their pricing/buy now page.

2. Yoga on Gaia

This is a video of testimonials, combined with an offer of 11th month is 99¢.

It could be more simple and direct, but this is also a good Offer Content post.

3. Farm Fresh To You

Promo codes are great!

Bonus: if you use a specific promo code for different Facebook posts (especially ones you’re paying to boost), you’ll have another indicator of how effective your posts are based on how many people use that promo code!

I love that this offer is timeless too. They can run this all year round without any issues.

4. Yoga International

I like that this includes a small image of a customer testimonial along with the offer.

One way to make this post even better for the Omnipresence method is to make it timeless.

Offer an intro offer for new customers that could be used any time of the year and you’ll be able to continue to boost the same piece of content all the time.

5. Body Yoga

I like the simplicity of this image with the offer stated very clearly in the image.

Again, to make this even better, make it timeless.

State your intro offer that’s good all year round, so you can boost the same post for $1 per day again and again.

6. Warrior of Light

This is very simple, but clear.

Offers don’t necessarily have to be paid.

A free introductory session is great too, and I love that they include a link to book a session directly on their calendar.

A picture or graphical text would make this post more eye-catching, and they could even include a “Book Now” button on the post to make that call to action even more clear.

7. Claudia le Fuevre Nutritional Therapist

Claudia has very clearly stated the benefit of her offer, the price, and how to take the next action.

I like the Send Message CTA button too.

She could also have a Book Now link that goes directly to a page to book a session online (including paying up front).

Adding overlaid text on the image with the offer and the price would make it even more clear what she is offering.

8. Joanna Barrett Yoga

I love the list of the four packages that Joanna Barrett has included in this post — very clear about what she’s offering, and a link is included if you want more information.

The picture is also great. It shows who she is, the feeling of calm that you’re going to get working with her.

One thing I would add to this post is the price for these different packages right on the post.

There is no reason to hide your prices. Just tell people what they need to do to work with you, and that includes stating the price.

9. CorePower Yoga

I really love the visual with this post — it’s very clear that they’re offering yoga classes online.

The offer is stated clearly.

A free week of unlimited online classes.

But, I think it would also be great to state the price after the free week right up front. People would rather know up front, rather than be surprised about the price later.

10. Simple Green Smoothies

This is another free 7-day offer — this is great way to introduce people to your service or product.

I like the text overlaid on the beautiful image, and very clear call to action.

11. Innerstellar Pilates & Yoga Studio

I love the simplicity of this post!

To be honest, it was hard to find a post like this — many businesses aren’t doing this.

State your price up front. This is their introductory offer that’s good for new students all year round.

It isn’t a limited time promotion only good for a month.

This post links to their home page, where they have a button to click to go to their pricing page.

Even better would be to remove the extra click, and go straight to the booking/price page.

You also don’t have to feel like you only have to do Offer posts for new students or clients.

Feel free to also create Offer posts with your offers for existing clients — the cost of a 10-class punch card or for your standard monthly membership fee, after the intro offer.

Offer Content Tips

  1. State your offer — including the price! — up front, right in the post.
  2. Tell them what they get from that offer. Show them the benefits, the problem you’re solving, from your offer.
  3. Link directly to a page where they can book, schedule, and pay now.
  4. Free offers, or introductory offers are good, but feel free to also create posts that include your standard offers.
  5. Pictures are always good! Overlaid text with the offer stated on the image as well is a good way to give the offer information quickly when people are scrolling through Facebook.

Jump to another section:

  1. Edu-tainment Content Examples
  2. Customer Stories Content Examples
  3. Offer Content Examples

What To Do With All This Content?

If you want your health and wellness business to become Omnipresent to your dream customers, you should start creating as many of these three types of content as you can, and posting them on your social media sites (Facebook and/or Instagram) consistently.

Ideally, you would create 10 to 20 pieces of this content per month, with a mix of the three types — Edu-tainment, Customer Stories, and Offer Content — and post them every one to two days.

Then, you use the data that Facebook gives you to determine which posts are most successful — which ones have the highest organic reach?

Boost the most successful posts for $1 per day, and those posts will become your $1 per day sales people for your business.

If you do this, you will become Omnipresent to your dream customers.

Your dream customers will see you everywhere, all the time.

You will be their easiest option to solve their problem, because they’ve seen you everywhere.

You’ll be their familiar friend, and they’ll want to work with you.

I’ve outlined the Omnipresence Content Marketing process more in this post.

And, if you’d like help implementing this process for your business — and writing all that content! — I’d love to talk to you.

I help health and wellness businesses consistently bring in new clients every month using Omnipresence Content Marketing.

If you would like your health or wellness business to become Omnipresent to your dream customers, let’s schedule a call today.

Schedule a Free Discovery Session With Me

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